Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Motivation by Reflection

A steadfast spirit of freedom is often born from a heart of gratitude for the things that we have. So sit back, drink up, and read on!

If a picture is truly worth a thousand words then it must have been a picture of coffee! Liquid gold, bean juice, black Ichor of life, personality in a cup, sweet nectar of the field, or whatever you call it! (Please do comment with your favorite coffee nickname.) Coffee for many of us is a passport to a better day, a companion on slow afternoons, and a catalyst for the wonderful and creative things inside each of us waiting to be discovered by the wonderful world which surrounds us. If you are like me, a good cup of Joe can be the difference between life happening to me or me happening to life.

So today as you drink your brew of choice and prepare to take this tangled world by storm, think first about the events that made it possible to bring your coffee of choice from the green rolling fields of cherry trees to the warm porcelain mug that gently kisses your lips and delivers sweet satisfaction to your soul. Think of the Creator who knew we would discover the over 850 aromatic compounds that make up so many unique coffee profiles. He didn’t have to make this caffeinated go-juice so naturally tasty. He didn’t have to give it so many wonderful shades of color as it swirls slowly in the cup. He didn’t have to design it pop and crack as it roasts. He didn’t have to give it such a distinct, pleasant, and lingering aroma. Knowing what we would come to love; He set the fruit in nature and gave us the wisdom to procure it. Think today of the farmers who have dedicated their lives and fortunes to planting and harvesting this tasty crop year after year. Think of the dads and moms that spend many long nights away from home in search of a good plantation to partner with and support economically. Think of the long journey this produce makes back to the states, the aging, the roasting, and careful preparation. Think about it until you get good and thankful for it. Once the thankfulness warms your heart, raise your favorite mug and breathe deep; fill your senses with just one of the millions of aspects of creation that we get to enjoy on a daily basis.   

Enjoy your coffee, enjoy our world, and enjoy the wonderful people who make this tangled mess worth all the effort. Freedom is worth standing up for. Our way of life is worth the inconvenience of going against the flow once in a while.

Not to be cliché, but stay free my friends.


  1. I call it coffee... right now I'm drinking Dunkin dark... although my preference is local and organic (there is none out here)

  2. Coffee hu? It's got a nice ring! I love to see a grass roots fair trade organic roaster come to town!

  3. "Grass roots fair trade organic roaster?" You can't talk like hippies and proclaim gun rights on the same blog. It messes with the time/space continuum and could possibly blow up the servers at Google.

    I call coffee "joe" because we not only share a really great name, but it is a singular embodiment of my life's simple pleasures and the source of daily motivation and awareness. It has a ubiquitous presence on my desk, in my car, and even in my pulpit. It is like a liquid mini-me, so it shall share my name.

  4. Oh...and I'm drankin' some Gevalia right now. Not sure if it's fair trade, organic hipster certified, but it tastes good.

  5. Joe, joe is a good name, and your philosophy is sound. You should start a coffee shop and call it Joe's joe. Jon could start an outdoor rest facility business and call it Jon's johns. Just an idea – maybe it stinks. Zzzing!

    As far as grass roots fair trade organic gun slinging coffee roasting hipsters - I say we can always use a new minority in town

  6. Joe Cassada, We LOVE the name Jonathan, but he sure has paid for it. I haven't laughed this hard since the last Allie antic a few minutes ago. Still LOL ing!
