Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Freedom to be Free

In this vast world of diversity and inclusion where do your liberties stop and mine begin? That is a tricky question that is flooding courts and keeping protestors busy night and day.

I love worshiping the one true God in church on Sunday, but if I truly value that freedom then I must allow you to worship freely right? Of course, unless your freedom of religious expression endangers my way of life. If your religion demands that you endanger or take the life of another individual we don’t want it. Get out. If your freedom of expression allows you to create human life and then destroy that life out of convenience for yourself then we don’t want it. Get out. If your freedom of expression demands that you burn our symbol of that freedom then get out we don’t want it. If your freedom to take advantage of our benevolent welfare system enables you to purposely stay out of the work force and live of off my work ethic. Then get out. I can’t afford to pay for your lazy attitude.

Freedom isn’t free; it never has been and it never will be. Freedom is not to be taken advantage of. Freedom is to be reverenced. Freedom is to be held in high esteem. Freedom is to be cherished. As a country we have taken our freedom for granted. We have forgotten the great sacrifice that our own countrymen endured happily and willingly so that we could live as free men and women. By taking advantage of loose wording and silver tongues of twisted lawmen we have effectively broken confidence in the great United States Constitution and consequently we have entertained the most twisted ideas as expressions of freedom.
We are at a crucial crossroads at this point in history. We are quite possible more free than we have ever been in my lifetime. We are free today to choose a path of freedom or a path of slavery. That decision falls to us."Any government powerful enough to give the people all that they want is also powerful enough to take from the people all that they have.” Choose wisely.