Saturday, June 27, 2015

So who actually "ruined" the sanctity of marriage?

Gut check

So I wanted to ask the question, "Who actually ruined the sanctity of marriage?" 

It's super easy to blame the courts or a specific group of people, but if I may,
I'd like to offer some thoughts. Let me know what you think. 

So fellas, how are we doing with our lust? I know - you're fine, and you have a handle on it, but really, how are we doing? How are we interacting with the office girls? Just park here and think on that for a sec. Sure, they are fun to talk to. No argument there, but how are your thoughts and emotions toward them? When was the last time your thoughts were solely consumed with your wife when you were with your wife instead of lingering on what's walking by or on who you got to share lunch with that day? 

Ladies, how is your thought process working for you? Nobody wants to address that huh? Would you say in your inner most self that you are wholly given to your spouse? Are you more emotionally attached to your favorite movie / TV star than your husband? How are you and your guy friends? Are they really just friends? No need to be honest with me, but between you, yourself, and God do you get a pretty good kick out of flirting with the fellas? A few butterflies maybe? After all, you're pretty, they like it, and you like the attention. Heaven knows that's not your fault. If you got the attention you deserved at home you wouldn't be looking around right? 

Matthew 5:27-28 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. 

Can we apply that to all of us, husbands and wives? 

I don't mean to be rude on this next point, but how are your vows doing? Did you rip up your last set over a dispute? I realize that couples struggle with one sided infidelity and often no reconciliation can take place, but how many times has pride, hurt feelings, and immaturity rendered a so called sacred marriage null and void? 

Let's not get all up in arms over a certain group desecrating the sanctity of marriage when we are allowing our world leaders to practice infidelity, our sports heroes to desecrate the holiness of that union, and while we ourselves are secretly dishonoring every vow we made at an altar or in a court house to be united in Holy matrimony. 

Am I advocating gay marriage on the basis that straight couples have messed up? No not at all, what my hope is, is simply that we might wake up and realize who really has desecrated marriage. Who set the tone for gay and lesbian marriage to become commonplace, acceptable, and a civil right? 

Straight couples have taken marriage and made it into what they want it to be for years now. We are o.k. with a little lust, a little flirting, a little infidelity, a few friends with benefits, divorce when convenient, lies when necessary, and secrets always. Humanity has done to marriage what humanity does best. We belittled it. We scuffed it up. We made it of little value. How then can a court system of the people who does not represent a populous that is demonstrating sacred marriage, that is not demanding fidelity of their leaders, that does not have God as their guide, or the Bible as their moral compass make any other decision than what they made on Friday, June 26? 

Given the standard that we as straight Americans have set, the court made the right decision in allowing a group of people to make marriage whatever they want it to be. Given the word of God and the very definition of holy matrimony, we as a nation straight and gay can all take blame for messing that up. 

So before we go blaming someone else for desecrating the sanctity of marriage let's take a good long look inside and ask ourselves the hard questions. What are we doing to protect it? How are we preserving it? How are we respecting it? 

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